Thursday, March 15, 2012

DIY: Book Sling


I saw this when I was looking around on Pinterest and just knew I had to make it. All the tutorials I saw for this required that the sling be bolted to the wall. Like this one I found at Penny Carnival, which is what I based my sling portion off of.  But we rent and can't really do much to change how our place looks. So I figured out a way to put the sling up, without messing up the walls. 

To start you need to gather your supplies. For the sling you need fabric, wooden dowels, thread, and pins. For mounting it to the wall you need two double rod brackets, some sort of wall safe adhesive, and wood to act as a buffer. I used Oval Rossette fittings. 

For the sling portion I just took some fabric sewed it up right sides together, snipped the corners (to reduce bulk), turned it right side out, and top stitched the opening closed. here are some pictures to help you see what I did. 

Then once that was all sewn up I used the dowels to measure out the casing.

After I finished up the sling I started on the mounting. I took my wood piece and my rod brackets (that I got at walmart for $.97!) and put them together. If you get a different kind of bracket just attach it to the wood as you would to the wall.

Then I took my UGlu (that I won in a giveaway! Yay!) and attached it to the back of the wood. You can use any kind of wall safe adhesive just make sure that it will hold the weight of the books.

 Next I measured the space where I wanted to put the sling and "glued" the wood with the brackets to the wall. I ended up with a great storage solution and a cute addition to my girls' play space! 

What do you think would you make this? 

I'm linking up at:


Somewhat Simple 

Pin It!


  1. I just made a book sling and this would have been nice to know... I screwed GIANT holes into my wall and this is more polished and seems sturdy too! When I make another, I'll have a great idea saved :-)

    1. Awe that stinks about the holes, but like you said now you have something for next time! Thanks for stopping by :o)

  2. This is so great and looks awesome! Thanks for sharing! I'm so glad you found a way to use UGlu, and that's amazing that it's strong enough to hold up books! I bet your girls love it. And I love the fabric you chose too!

    1. Thanks! I used the big square UGlu pieces, it said it would hold up to 5lbs. Let me know if you decide to make one for you little boy.


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