To start I cut a piece of material, on the fold, to the length that I wanted it. In this case to my ankle, about 38-40" from just above my hips. I then measured around where I would be wearing it. For me that is just above my hips, so it wouldn't be my usual waist measurements. We'll call this measurement A. Next I measured out half of "A" across the top of my fabric. I began slowly cutting on a diagonal at the end of "A", until I met with the end of the fabric.
Then I cut out a rectangular piece, on the fold, 10" wide and half the length of "A". Next I sewed up the edge of my long skirt piece and the edge of my waist band, with a straight stitch.
After that I folded the waistband in half.
Then I turned the skirt right side out and put the waist band piece on the outside with the folded edge down. And pinned it in place.
From there I just did a zig zag stitch around the top to allow for stretch. That's it! If you want to hem the bottom you can but knits don't fray and they usually end up rolling.
I'm linking up here!
(Mommy by Day Crafter by Night)
And I'm linking up here!
(Crafty Cousins)
and here!
Super cute! I'd love it if your linked it up to Crafty Cousins!
Holla! We're your newest followers! :)