Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I haven't made anything. Actually I take that back I made a wristlet for my little cousin for her 7th birthday. I used french seams to keep the inside looking neat and her name is Leah so I put an L on it to make it more personal. Then added some lip gloss, nail polish, and nail decals. I think she liked it, but she got so many great gifts I'm sure mine will stand out when she needs it to finish an outfit lol.

Other that I've just been busy with my girls. My 3 year old is showing an interest in learning to write her letters so we're doing that and since she's starting to want to "do school" we've been spending a good amount of time daily to work on counting and other fun projects. I'm glad she's starting to want to do these things because when we tried a few months a go she wanted no parts of it. I'm thinking in September we'll be able to really start homeschooling. Yay!

I'm hoping I'll get to start sewing again and post some new tutorials but for right now, life is calling.

Here are pictures of the wristlet I made:

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